Pipzu Review. Low risk Forex Trader Robot. For those looking for reliability.
The Forex Trader Robot, Pipzu, is a robot created with the purpose of generate profits safely with a low risk percentage but at the cost of low winning rate or low profits. This robot can be seen as a Bank CD (Certificate of Deposit), where you deposit your money winning an interest rate with time. The different is that with CD’s the winning rate is of about 1-10% a month and with Forex Pipzu you can win up to 10-50% a month of the money you invested. This winning rate is directly proportional to the money you invest: the more you invest, the more you’ll win.
Pipzu works with all account sizes, it can work with big accounts that have around 50,000 USD$ to 200,000 USD$ or more, and can also work with small accounts that have around 100 USD$ to 20,000 USD$. The secret of this Forex Robot lies on its operating method based on what its developers call: Market Timing Algorithm. This method analyzes the market day after day, gathering worth data and following trends to make 1 to 2 safe and efficient trades per week that generate profit, with a 11% maximum risk or drawdown.
Summarizing Pipzu capabilities:
* No randoms buy or sell trades, all trades are highly calculated.
* Slow but safe profit maker.
* Makes 1 to 2 trades per week.
* Works with all account sizes.
* Very low drawdown percentage.
* Online support via e-mail provided.
* 60 Days Money Back Guarantee.
* Price: 99,99 USD$
Pipzu robot wasn’t created with the purpose of making people rich, Pipzu is for people “down to earth” that want high reliability in what they invest while still being able to earn good and decent profit from it.
In conclusion,
Pipzu Forex Robot is the choice to make if financial safety is what you’re looking for.
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