#2: Forex Megadroid
This robot wins the second spot, first of all, because it has performed extremely well from its launch until now. It has traded with an accuracy of about 70-90% winning trades. Actually we have another live account running which you can check by going to the right sidebard of the website. Second of all because of what the robot does, this robot can “predict” what the market behavior will be on the inmediate future, 2 to 4 hours from the present, or like I said in one of my recent posts, it extrapolates market values, points and trends to have an approximately behavior of it in the future (to know more about this check the Forex Megadroid Revisited). Third, the robot focuses in only one market, EUR/USD, which makes it even more accurate and reliable, but limitating traders diversity.
It is the best robot in terms of earnings, plus, one of the cheapest.
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