Jesse James Mistress 3 Brigitte Daguerre
Jesse James Mistress 3 Brigitte Daguerre Brigitte Daguerre picture can be found here.Meet Brigitte Daguerre who is a Los Angeles Photographer and is also Jesse James’ third mistress,yep -he is the gift that just keeps giving.Daguerre revealed that she started working for Jesse back in 2008 on a West Coast Choppers photo shoot. The supposed lovers emailed and texted each other over 195 times for a year, but they had only had sex four times before she ended the relationship.
Most of the texts are graphic and according to reports in one message Jesse said “I’ll be your monkey.”
After Michelle McGee,Melisa Smith now we have Brigitte Daguerre,poor Sandra Bullock when will she leave Mr “Vanilla Gorilla”?
That’s all we have for now on Brigitte Daguerre.
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