Starts Twitter War With George Lopez-Lindsay Lohan
Starts Twitter War With George Lopez-Lindsay Lohan made an innocuous joke about Lindsay Lohan’s “baby powder” shoes and it quickly escalated to a Twitter war. Jesus. Way too many celebrity Twitter wars these days. Seriously. How did all these people fight before Twitter (yes, talking about you Demi Moore).more Lindsay and George after the hop…
Anyway, last night on George Lopez’s show he made some sort of silly joke about Lindsay Lohan sprinkling baby powder on her shows to make them less snug (in response to those photos of Lindsay’s mysterious white powdery feet). Lindsay flew off the handle and let it rip on her Twitter page.
“Thanks for the childish comment regarding baby powder in my shoes to loosen up the leather,” Lohan Tweeted Lopez. “Don’t you have kids?” She added, “U wouldn’t wanna hear that about them, or would you? Act like a grown man, have some respect and dignity for yourself.”
In response, George Lopez invited her on the show. Yeah. Nice way to try and turn Twitter lemons into PR lemonade, but don’t count on it.
Do you think his joke was inappropriate?
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