Helping Charlotte Church:Tom Cruise
Helping Charlotte Church:Tom Cruise Charlotte Church is very lucky because Tom Cruise has decided that he wants to help her career in the US and feels that she is really talented. Cruise’s wife Katie Holmes is also a fan of Church and supports her husband in this choice. They both feel that Charlotte would be very successful in a show on Broadway and her career could blossom possibly with film also because of her many abilities. Church is working on a new album that should be here at the end of the year.With Tom and his wife both helping Church now this has many people wondering if Tom is planning on being in a film with Church. Right now no one is sure of the answer but people feel if asked that both Church and Tom would jump on it because they would be a great team together. The film is sure to be a success with those two people playing it. Others feel that Tom is just doing this to help his career out and that he doesn’t really care about Church but only a small handful feel that way. If Church agrees and Tom helps her out then she is going to have a lot of doors opened to her in many areas.
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