Jennifer Anister has Been Gerard Bultered:It’s Official
Jennifer Anister has Been Gerard Bultered:It’s Official So so busted! Butler and Aniston pose together from the front and guess what? A photog go the real story from behind! more Jen and Gerry after the jump…
TMZ reports, The pictures were taken on the Seine River in Paris, during their promotional tour for their movie “The Bounty Hunter.”
Looks like the hunter caught his prey.
I really hope Jen finds someone nice to settle down with. Could Gerard be the one? They certainly look terrific together.
Do you think they look hot together? Do you think it’s a publicity stunt or Jen and Gerry are in it for real?
I’ve uploaded some pics of the duo doing their promos for “The Bounty Hunter”, they sure seem to have a lot of chemistry together, don’t they?
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