Divorce Tia Carrere Simon Wakelin
Divorce Tia Carrere Simon Wakelin Not all marriages in Hollywood seem to work out. In fact, more often than not it seems like they don’t. A lot of times, Hollywood relationships don’t even make it to marriage and get stopped short after just dating! It’s a sad thing to watch and it might be having an affect of how teenagers feel about marriage as their growing up because it is not doubt that divorce rates have risen of the years. Are we just not able to make things work as well as we used to? Could be, and that’s definitely the case for actress Tia Carrere who has been married to the British photojournalist for seven years and is now filing for divorce.Sadly, this is her second divorce after she split up from the producer Elie Samaha in the year 2000. Things just don’t seem to be going her way. Being a star of Wayne’s World, 43 years of age, and is now acting as her own attorney in filing for divorce from Simon Wakelin, maybe things were just a bit too overwhelming for the actress. She’s also attempting to be granted physical custody of her 4 year old daughter Bianca. Simon is expected to battle it out in courts as he loves his daughter very much and it would be a tragedy for him to lose his wife and custody of his daughter as well. It’s definitely going to be a heated case and it’s sad that things had to end up this way. No reps on Carrere’s side have given any insight as to what made the relationship fail, but it’s sure to be coming our way shortly. I’d like to hear both sides of the story and see why Carrere seems to be so quick to call an end to the relationship when rocky patches in the marriage begin to show up.
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