Favorite Body Part Is..Check it out (Jessica Simpson’s)
Favorite Body Part Is..Check it out (Jessica Simpson’s) Jessica Simpson revealed that her favorite body part is her nose. Yeah. Her…nose. In-ter-esting. Quite frankly, we’ve never even noticed it. The push-up bras, Daisy Duke shorts and high-waisted Mom jeans always got in the way. Regardless, she’s got a lot of love for her slightly crooked nose.She told FoxNews.com:
“I like my nose, that’s my favorite body part…I do have a bump, but I like my profile — I don’t think anyone else has my exact same nose, I think it’s unique and a little flawed.”
She also put on her Relationship Expert hat and said everyone needs to work on themselves before they find their soulmates:
“You really have to know who you are before you can truly fall in love and give your all, and I don’t think a man can define you. You have to own that.”
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