Menchie’s Yogurt Craving-Britney Spears and Jason Trawick
Menchie’s Yogurt Craving-Britney Spears and Jason Trawick Britney Spears and Jason Trawick satisfied their cravings at the new Menchie’s frozen yogurt spot in Calabasas, California on April 5, 2010. Britney looked like she had a long night out with eye make up smeared around her eyes as if she just woke up and Jason looked to have been keeping his distance from his lady. Could the two be having problems again? Or perhaps they are just tired. Being a bit tired and have to deal with photogs, could be annoying.
So many rumors of the couple having hit a rough patch but yet they are still together. I hope these two make it last. Do people even try to stay together these days? Jason seems to be the anchor for Britney, doesn’t he?
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