A Self-Centered Psycho Says Former Bodyguard Angelina Jolie
A Self-Centered Psycho Says Former Bodyguard Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie has been a well respected and highly adored actress for many years now. She’s gotten a lot of recognition for being with her partner, Brad Pitt who has definitely attracted some attention himself over the years. When your a celebrity, its obviously not safe to walk around everywhere on your own. This is why most of them have bodyguards. What do you do when your bodyguard doesn’t work for you anymore and starts telling everyone about the kind of person you are though? Things aren’t looking good for Angelina because her former employee and bodyguard has begun to release some things to the media what claim Angelina Jolie is far from what she appears to be.He has chosen to remain anonymous, which is probably for good reason. He calls himself “Bill” during the interview. He said that Angelina Jolie is an abusive psycho. He said she verbally lashes out and attacks Brad Pitt. Now I don’t know about you but I’m not sure I could live with someone who verbally “attacks” me. The whole thing sounds a little over the top. Not to mention we’ve never heard of a previous problem or complaint from Brad. However, Bill said that anytime Brad receives a phone call from Angelina he’s always extremely hesitant to answer and can’t stand her demanding and abusive personality. Bill said that at one point the couple had a great relationship. They seemed very much in love, they had fun together, and they were happy raising six children together. Now things seem like they have completely fallen downhill. The bodyguard even stated that they sleep in separate bedrooms! Now I understand sometimes you run into problems involving one partner snoring and issues like that, but whats the reason for this one?
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