Has Abusive Ex-Husband-Kim Kardashian
Has Abusive Ex-Husband-Kim Kardashian Back when Kim was a teenager (and before she took over the media) she was married to music producer Damon Thomas. He was ten years her senior and according to police documents dug up by the a British newspaper, he also physically abused her and demanded she get liposuction. more Kim after the hop…
PopEater.com published the documents, which tell a harrowing tale of how he left Kim bloody right before the pair were scheduled to go skydiving with Justin Timberlake of all people.
“Damon first hit me a few months after we were married,” she says in the statement, going on to describe several instances of alleged abuse in detail. “One incident occurred on the day that Damon and I were going skydiving with Justin Timberlake,” Kardashian says. “Before we left home, Damon hit me in the face and cut my lip open. I fell into the bed frame and banged my knee hard.”
He also left her bruised after he found out she paged someone, threatened to choker her to death and demanded that she get liposuction.
The two were married for three years before Thomas finally filed for divorce in 2003.
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