Monday, December 14, 2009

Taylor Swift! Happy Birthday,

Taylor Swift! Happy Birthday,For Taylor Swif 20th birthday, we were gonna get Taylor Swift a quartet of Country Music Awards. But she already has those.

Then, we were gonna ensure her nomination for a slew of Grammys. But, nope, the singer has snagged those, too.

A fake ID, so she doesn't have to wait a year to drink legally? Nah. This isn't Miley Cyrus.

Might we honor the beauty with a spot on our Celebrity of the Year countdown? You'll find out soon!

Married! Melissa Rycroft and Tye Strickland

Married! Melissa Rycroft and Tye Strickland This official: Melissa Rycroft has beaten Jason Mesnick to the altar.

The former Bachelor winner-turned-reject got married to Tye Strickland earlier today in Mexico.

"Tye is my best friend in the world, and now he's my partner forever. We have had such a journey within our relationship, that to finally look at him and see my husband, gives me the calmest, most content feeling in the world," Rycroft told In Touch Weekly.

"I love him so much and am so excited for our forever to begin!"
During the ceremony, Rycroft wore an Alfred Angelo gown; her former Dancing With the Stars partner Tony Dovolani was in attendance, as was Bachelorette Jillian Harris.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coming Soon? Rachel Uchitel Nude in Playboy:

Coming Soon? Rachel Uchitel Nude in Playboy:Rachel Uchitel, the first mistress of golfer Tiger Woods, or at least the first one we came to know about, may be the first to get naked in Playboy as well.

Extra reports that Rachel is currently in negotiations with Playboy to pose for the men's magazine, and that the NYC club hostess "wants a lot of money."

No surprise there.

Uchitel was outraged after being called a hooker on The View, but clearly has no issues with posing nude other than whether she'll be getting paid enough.

Representatives for Playboy refused to comment on the rumors, and last week, Hugh Hefner himself seemed hesitant based to touch the Tiger scandal.

However, women in sex scandals are often in the publication's wheelhouse. In the past, Playboy did a spread on Paula Jones, among other examples.
It seems like ages ago that Rachel Uchitel was linked to Woods after Ashley Samson ratted them out to the National Enquirer, but it was just two weeks ago.

Since then, many others have come forward with tales of being tagged by Tiger, much to Rachel's dismay. She's said to be getting screened for STDs.

He may have gotten around like a prostitute (he did several), but Tiger Woods clearly had feelings for Rachel, as his emotionally vulnerable emails proved.

If he was so upset about her past flings with stars like David Boreanaz, we don't imagine he'll enjoy her posing in Playboy for the entire world to see.

Especially since we won't be getting any at home from Elin.

Miley Cyrus Aims for New Sound: Popping Off

Miley Cyrus Aims for New Sound: Popping Off First, she bashed the heck out of the Twilight Saga.

Then, she got denied from a 21-and-over club.

In both recent instances, the gist was the same: Miley Cyrus doesn't see herself as a typical 17-year old. She wants to be older, more mature, edgier.
Along those lines, Cyrus told British TV show GMTV this week that she wants to leave the pop music world behind.

"I want to do my last pop record, I'm working on a record right now. I kinda want... something edgier and not have to worry about people saying, 'Oh, this isn't what her fans want to listen to.' Because in a few years, as I grow up, so will my fans and I won't have to focus on that as much and I'll be able to have more of the sound of music that I'm into."

Last month, Miley admitted she had never heard a Jay Z song. So it makes sense she'd wanna branch out and give the world of country or adult contemporary a shot. But will her fans follow her there?

Only time, and album sales, will tell.

Eddie Cibrian's cheating with LeAnn Rimes

Eddie Cibrian's cheating with LeAnn Rimes What do LeAnn Rimes, Scheana Marie and Carrie Underwood have in common?

It was Eddie Cibrian's alleged (or confirmed) dalliances with the first two and a certain song by the latter that send scorned wife Brandi Glanville over the edge.

Cibrian, who stars on CSI: Miami, filed a court declaration in a custody battle with his soon-to-be ex-wife, stating she slashed the tires of his Harley Davidson.

And she very much did!

"Yes, I slashed his tires," Brandi Glanville tells E! News. "It felt awesome!"
who he is now dating, ultimately ended his marriage to Brandi Glanville. He was also fooling around with Scheana Marie.

The domestic dispute occurred August 1, weeks after the couple had separated, but while Cibrian was still living in the family’s guest house, Glanville recalls.

"He broke my heart, so I broke his Harleys," Glanville says. "It was right after I found out about girl No. 2, and I had that Carrie Underwood song in my head."

"I just went for it!"

Glanville is referring to waitress Scheana Marie, whom Cibrian reportedly hooked up with earlier this year, and Carrie's tire-slashing anthem "Before He Cheats."

In court documents, Cibrian says Glanville "verbally and physically attacked" him and "in a fit of rage, slashed the tires of my Harley-Davidson motorcycles."

Hey, at least he wasn't riding one of them at the time, like when Elin Woods attacked Tiger, resulting in his ill-fated, now-infamous Cadillac Escalade getaway

Carrie Prejean! Celebrity of the Year Finalist #8

Carrie Prejean! Celebrity of the Year Finalist #8
`As 2009 draws to a close, The Hollywood Gossip staff is proud and excited to present 10 finalists for its prestigious, Third Annual Celebrity of the Year award.

These stars have given us their best, their worst, their naked photos (sometimes) and their hilarious, ridiculous scandals (often). It's time for THG to pay tribute to their greatness.

Earlier this week, we continued the '09 countdown with Molly Malaney and Melissa Rycroft in the #9 spot.

Today: Celebrity of the Year finalist #8 … Carrie Prejean!
When Barack Obama took office in January, who would have guessed that a blonde beauty queen would create more diversion between Republicans and Democrats than the nation's first African-American President?

But after Prejean took her stance on "opposite marriage" on April 19, all heck broke loose. Perez Hilton called her a "bitch," Carrie claimed she lost the Miss USA title due to her opinion, and every conservative alive chose this woman as their cause's role model.

She was discriminated due to her beliefs, they cried! She's a poor, defenseless, targeted Christian, they insisted!

After all, God was testing Prejean and while she passed, the rest of society failed. So said Carrie's supporters.

They stuck by her through rumors of a boob job; through blatant lies over topless photos; and through the eventual loss of her Miss California crown after Donald Trump grew sick of Carrie's act.

But Prejean continued to play the role of victim, even though her religion is the most popular in the country and even though her stance on gay marriage is agreed upon by a majority of voters. That wasn't enough. She was wronged dammit!

And you know who will pay for those wrongs, don't you? The consumers that actually bought Prejean's memoir, which recounted her harrowing story in detail. It's a nightmare many of us still can't awake from.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Adam Lambert Still Has No Regrets

Adam Lambert Still Has No Regrets He hasn't officially apologized, but Adam Lambert has admitted that his performance at the American Music Awards went too far.

Still, when asked by Barbara Walters - during her 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009 special that airs tomorrow night on ABC - if he'd change the rauchy dance moves or same-sex kiss from that night, Lambert replied:

"No. No regrets."
He continued:

"To be honest with you, adrenaline is a funny, funny thing... I got really excited. You can't plan everything - if I did a performance exactly how I rehearsed it, it would be so boring."

That may be true, but it also would not have gotten Lambert banned from ABC for a couple events. He will be featured on the network twice this week, however: first, in this special; and the following morning on The View.

As for those that have judged Lambert, based on his AMA rendition, he has a message for the haters:

"I don't think that you can really... jump to conclusions about me as an artist based on one performance. That's an ignorant thing to do."

Monday, December 7, 2009

God is On My Side! Joanna Krupa

God is On My Side! Joanna Krupa God gave Joanna Krupa incredibly good looks.

According to the supermodel - who is feuding with the Catholic League after the organization took issue with her naked use of a crucifix in a recent poster for PETA - the Big Man Upstairs also gave her the right to exploit religion for attention.

In an interview with TV Guide, Krupa admits this is her goal. Here's what she has to say on the controversial topic...

On the Catholic theme of her ad: When PETA approached me to do an ad again, my team told them we wanted to make sure the concept is controversial, sadly, because that's the only way to get your message out there. It takes controversial photos for us to think about pressing issues.

Otherwise, we would rather go on watching and debating Jon and Kate [Gosselin]'s financial fights or Lady Gaga's costumes, while millions of helpless animals are dying.

Will Adam Lambert ABC You on The View!

Will Adam Lambert ABC You on The View! They may not have kissed, but Adam Lambert and ABC have made up.

Following the singer's sexually-charged rendition of "For Your Entertainment" at the American Music Awards, the network canceled his scheduled Jimmy Kimmel Live and his performance on Good Morning America.

THG readers have threatened to boycott ABC in response, and it looks like the network has heard your complaints.
It's booked Lambert for an appearance on The View this Thursday, where he'll likely tussle with conservative panelist Elisabeth Hasselbeck. The interview will air the day after Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating People, which includes the singer.

Thank goodness the parties have ended their feud. We really didn't wanna stop watching FlashForward.

Chris Brown says Rihanna knows how sorry he is.

Chris Brown says Rihanna knows how sorry he isAdam Lambert may not be welcome on ABC, but the network welcomed Chris Brown Friday night on 20/20 to "come clean" about assaulting Rihanna in February.

Robin Roberts sat down with Brown, playing clips of her interview on the same program last month and a clip of Chris back in 2007 on The Tyra Banks Show.

During that clip, Brown spoke about the abuse his mother received at the hands of his stepfather, and professes how he doesn't want to do that to a woman.

Left in a daze by his own hypocrisy, Brown said: "I'm really sorry for what went down and what happened and by no means do I think that's acceptable."

That's really all he could or should say, really, as tries to not let one incident define his whole life. He also said he knows he let a lot of people down.

He did not comment on Tila Tequila's theory that Rihanna has herpes.Brown has completed the community service portion of his sentence (he pleaded guilty to felony assault) and is still undergoing domestic violence classes.

He is also on five years probation. As we've seen previously, Brown is certainly sticking to the "I was wrong" theme and not trying to make any excuses.

Some people might not ever accept his apology, or believe that he is really trying to be a better person, but he's trying. And he says Rihanna knows it.

When the subject of his new song "Changed Man" came up, Brown said he played it for Rihanna and that "she cried when she first heard the song."

He then says he "has love" for Rihanna but is not "in love" with her, and at this point in life, is just trying to focus on what he can do with his talent.

Denies Affair with Grad Student! Pete Carroll

Denies Affair with Grad Student! Pete Carroll In an interview, just-fired Notre Dame football Charlie Weis appeared to suggest that his USC, counterpart, Pete Carroll was living with a grad student.

Weis says his remarks were taken out of context, but after the Tiger Woods scandal, the married Carroll was promptly put under a media microscope.

Here's how it went down. In a Q & A with, Weis was asked to compare the way he was portrayed in the news media to the way Carroll is.

There is no more beloved figure in Southern California than Carroll, whereas Charlie felt he could do no right with the press and scrutiny in South Bend.

Weis was asked how he felt about the way the media treats him at Notre Dame compared to how a coach like Carroll is treated. His response was:
"Let me ask you this: You guys know about things that go on in different places. Was I living with a grad student in Malibu, or was I living with my wife in my house? You could bet that if I were living with a grad student here in South Bend, it would be national news. [Carroll] doing it in Malibu and it’s not national news. What’s the difference? I don’t understand. Why is it okay for one guy to do things like that, but for me, I’m scrutinized when I swear. I’m sorry for swearing; absolve my sins."

Carroll, a married father of three, strongly denied Weis' allegation.

“It’s untrue, it’s irresponsible, and it’s incredible he’d be talking about me like that,” a far-from-pleased Carroll said, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Weis later said he was being "totally subjective" in a conversation with several reporters that was an aside to the formal interview he was conducting.

He said he was speaking about rumors and how they adversely affect lives of coaches and families, and merely meant that if Pete Carroll were secretly dating a graduate student, he wouldn't be as scrutinized for it because of his success.

Weis says he has left a message for Carroll and will do anything to "run Pete down and apologize" if the quote caused any offense to the USC coach.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Earned Over $250 Million Worldwide Jackson’s ‘This Is It’

Earned Over $250 Million Worldwide Jackson’s ‘This Is It’On Thursday, December 3, Sony Pictures said that the global ticket sales for its movies have reached $3.4 billion, in which Michael Jackson’s movie “This Is It” has alone earned more than $250 million worldwide.

Michael Jackson’s movie “This Is It” contains his rehearsals for come back concerts before his death. The two and half hour long movie is directed (designed) by Kenny Ortega.

The movie was released in last week of October this year. According to Sony Pictures, the movie has successfully completed its run after earning $250 million worldwide

From domestic market (United States and Canada) the movie generated $72 million according to ticket sales tracker Thus “This Is It” has become the highest earning movie for Sony Picture Studio.

Earlier Sony Pictures Entertainment’s movies global box office earning record was $3.334 billion but this time till Wednesday, the studio’s movies collections broke all the previous records and earned $3.357 billion.

Other than Jackson’s “This Is It”, this year, the studio has produced movies like ‘2012’, ‘Angels and Demons’, ‘Terminator Salvation’ and ‘District 9’.

Among these movies, recent hit, ‘2012’ has earned $620 million. The Sony Corp said that from domestic market, the movies collection has reached $1.37 billion and from international markets the entire collections of the movies is about to cross $ 2 billion record.

Penelope Loves Kissing Meryl

Penelope Loves Kissing Meryl Penelope Cruz confessed that she can’t stop kissing Meryl Streep.A source quoted her as saying, “We only know each other from seeing each other at awards ceremonies or those kinds of events, but whenever I see her, I always go up to her and start kissing her”.

She added, “I don’t even say anything – I just kiss her. She must think I’m some crazy person”. Reportedly the Spanish stunner thinks that Meryl Streep is the best actress and she is really fond of her acting.

She concluded as saying, “There is nobody better. I watch her movies over and over again. I saw ‘Silkwood’ again a couple of weeks ago, and it made me just want to kiss her feet”.

How to Ask for Money In Place of a Christmas Gift

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Do you want money for Christmas instead of a gift? Is there ever a tactful way to ask for money in place of a gift? Well, it all depends on how you go about asking. Here are some suggestions.


  1. Be open and responsible in your raising your request. Sit down with your parents, spouse, partner or friend and tell them you'd like a heart-to-heart talk about Christmas gifts. Tell them that this year, you really would like to purchase an item or fund an activity or goal but that you cannot do it without their help. Be very frank about why you cannot afford the item or activity by yourself but also make it clear that you have already set aside savings towards it and that you see their assistance as a valuable contribution.
  2. Be polite. Always let the potential gift-giver know that you appreciate everything that he or she has given you and does for you. Tell this person that this time, however, it would be really special if he or she could contribute to helping you reach a goal that you have your heart set on. Do not lay guilt trips on your potential gift-giver and never bring up gifts of the past that he or she has given you that you didn't like or didn't ask for.
  3. Have something special in mind. Don't just ask for money in place of gifts because you want money to spend the money aimlessly. If you want money for savings, specific items or for particular events, tell your potential gift-giver clearly! There are many good reasons to ask for money instead of a gift, you just need to be clear. Some reasons might include:
    • A computer that is modified or tailored exactly to your needs for school, work, research or study etc.;
    • A college or university fund. Ask your potential gift-giver if he or she might be willing to pay directly into the savings account earmarked for this, or to write a check with "College Fund" written on the reason line;
    • A travel wish, whether for a vacation or for educational or volunteer purposes;
    • Specific activities, such as summer school, art classes, technical training, modeling course, swimming lessons etc.;
    • A sports wardrobe for a new sport you have taken up with a passion but you need to be sure the items fit you and suit you;
    • To share the Christmas spirit: A direct financial donation to a charity of your choice, including the "gift that keeps on giving" through charities that supply farm animals, tools and food supplies to people who have very little to live off in developing countries.

  4. Be reasonable, flexible and sensible. Permit the potential gift-giver to sum up in his or her mind a suitable amount of money. He or she may very well ask you for an amount and you should always have a reasonable amount in mind to offer but nothing extravagant or ridiculous. Let the person decide for you, as this is their gift to you.
  5. Be gracious. If the gift-giver agrees on the spot, thank him or her profusely and leave it at that. Be certain to say that you realise not to expect any gifts at all and that you will gladly explain to other people, such as family members, friends etc. why you did not receive a gift from this person if asked.
  6. Be patient. If the potential gift-giver does not agree immediately, do not badger or whine. This is not only an indication of ungrateful feelings but it sets up a negative situation between the two of you over something that must come from the heart - a gift. Thank them and wait and see. The person may need time to digest your request. Christmas gifts are thoughtful blessings, not a right, so enjoy the day and all it brings you, being with family and friends and sharing in the festive food and spirit.


  • You may want to start talking about your request as early as possible. You know the person/people in your life that you will be asking this of, so you will know when they are likely to be starting to gift shop for you. Some leave it until the last minute, while others may be shopping in the summer sales! Use your knowledge of your potential gift-giver to guide you in when to raise this wish of yours.
  • Asking for money is often acceptable to people when they are clear that you need to purchase an item tailored to your wants and needs. If you like a certain kind of clothing, a specially modified piece of jewelry or a backpack that fits your back etc., these are the sorts of precise reasons that you should provide when explaining things to your gift-giver.
  • For some people, giving money rather than having to search for a gift is a benefit; sometimes you may be surprised that you meet with no resistance after the first few words, when your potential gift-giver is happily relieved of having to undertake the annual shopping trek in crowded stores...
  • Be prepared to be asked this request yourself. It helps to put yourself in the shoes of being asked, to see how it would make you feel and the sorts of responses you would give. That will give you a good indication of how to go about this request respectfully.
  • Send a thank-you note just like you would for tangible gift. (You WOULD send a thank-you note, wouldn't you??) When someone gives you exactly what you wanted, the least you can do is thank them -- in your own best handwriting, in an envelope, with a stamp. (A word to the wise: The smile that warms their heart when they read your letter also warms their wallet for the next occasion!)


  • If they say no, don't keep asking. They have their reasons for saying no; maybe they've already bought you something.
  • Never ask for money for aimless spending. It is rude, thoughtless and it will be easily seen through. Even if you get the money this time around for such an unimportant reason, the lesson will teach your gift-giver to be wary of you asking for money ever again.
  • Don't be greedy.

Things You'll Need

  • A well thought-out reason why you would rather have money than a gift
  • Possibly have on hand catalogs, online sites etc. to demonstrate that you have done research into the item that you want and that you are clear in your idea

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Ask for Money In Place of a Christmas Gift. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to Move in Together? Cohabitating Clamor

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to Move in Together? Cohabitating Clamor Stop us if you've heard this before: Sources say Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are moving in together.

Of course, some tabloids have stated these two already share a home and are willing to give tours to any magazine that comes calling.

However, there's less truth to that story than there was in Tiger Woods' wedding vows.

“They’re not ready for a huge commitment, but right now the best thing to do seems to find a home with a lot of privacy and security where they can find out how compatible they really are,” a friend told In Touch Weekly of Robsten's plans.

So far, this imaginary search has taken Kristen and Rob to residences in Beachwood Canyon and the Hollywood Hills.
Adds the anonymous, totally real pal:

“Even if you are head over heels in love with each other, you never really know if one of you has habits that will drive the other crazy. They want to give it their best shot, and that’s a big deal.”

A very big deal. Our advice to Robert and Kristen: be open, be honest and don't keep any golf clubs around the house. Right, Tiger?

How to Accept Blame when You Deserve It

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Things do go wrong sometimes. There are times when it's accidental. There are times when it's somebody else's fault. But at the times when you know you are at fault for the problem, the mature and responsible thing to do is stand up and own up to the mistake, accept the consequences, and be part of the solution to the problem resulting from your mistake.


  1. Step up and confess as soon as you realize what went wrong. Waiting to see how things shake out is a bad idea. As soon as a situation starts going south, step up and point out where the problem started - with you, yourself. The sooner the problem is identified, the sooner a resolution is possible, and that minimizes consequences.
  2. Don't skate around the issue This means you should state the problem directly, clearly and simply rather than beating around the bush or attempting to confuse the issue in order to make you look less responsible. Again, when problems crop up, the quickest way to the solution is simple, direct identification of the problem's origin and details. Trying to skate around an issue is just frustrating, and in the end the problem takes longer to deal with and becomes more complicated the longer it goes on.
  3. Don't try to shift even a part of the blame. This doesn't mean that you should accept blame that you don't deserve. But saying things like, "Well, if he hadn't done this then I wouldn't have done that." is lame. Instead, say, "I am so sorry for this. I had no idea that what I did could cause this type of problem. How can I help fix it?"
  4. Realize that the truth will be discovered eventually. It's been said, and is generally true, that "the truth is just a shortcut to what's going to happen anyway." If you're around when the truth does come out, and you haven't confessed your part in the problem, your credibility for all future situations will be compromised terribly. When others realize that you had the last clear chance to step up and own that mistake, but instead you allowed them to share blame with you, they will not appreciate it at all. When your boss realizes that you allowed others to bear responsibility for your mistake, your days will be numbered, or at the very least, your prospects for advancement will be curtailed significantly.
  5. Trust the other party to help. Hopefully, you have a decent parent, significant other or manager; or if you're in school, your teacher is fair. Assuming your boss is a good boss (or whatever authority figure is in play) is the smartest assumption to make in this case. The reality is that the person who has authority over you can protect you better than anyone else, but if you don't admit you caused a problem, there will be no shield when the truth eventually comes out. If it's a working situation, and you go to your boss as soon as you realize what's happened, s/he can help you more than you may know. Trusting your boss to help you out of a jam can actually pay big dividends later - by confessing to this problem, you've just shown your boss that if a problem is really your responsibility, you'll step up and say so. When problems crop up later and evidence points to you, if you say, "No, that wasn't me," your boss will believe you - s/he knows that you are mature enough to admit your mistakes, because you've done so in the past.
  6. Help solve the problem. Once you've caused a problem, don't wait to be forced or pressured to remedy it - volunteer. Don't ask if you can help - ask how you can help. Watch carefully as those who help the most do their work, and take note of the way they resolve the issue. File this information in your memory and have it handy for later use.
  7. Explain yourself. Once the recovery is underway, you should try to explain what your thought process was, so that your boss, significant other or parent can understand what led you to the point where things went pear-shaped. Many times, once you've explained your thinking, others will say, "Well, that does make sense in a way, however..." By doing this, you are allowing them to help correct the way you think about things, and helping yourself for the future.
    • Be careful not to justify the mistake or behavior. Look at the difference in these two statements: "I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I haven't been sleeping well." (justification) versus "I've been on edge because I haven't been getting much sleep lately, but it was wrong of me to yell at you and I'm sorry." Learn how to apologize properly.

  8. Accept consequences. There may be some - that's why it's scary to step forward and admit responsibility. But shouldering blame early and helping in the resolution of the problem will make any punishment or penance less harsh. Take your punishment as courageously as possible, and when it's done, it's really over - you'll have learned your lesson and maintained personal integrity in the process.
  9. Recover gracefully. It isn't mistakes that should define us - it's recovery. Most clients, when asked, will say that their most trusted contractors and vendors have not been perfect, but that when mistakes were made, the contractor made it up to them by admitting their responsibility and offering either a steep discount or replacement free of charge, or offered discounts on future jobs in exchange for the inconvenience caused by their error. It's not the mistake - it's the way you rebound from it that matters to most people.
  10. Hold your head up and move on. Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes. If we're smart, we learn from those mistakes and take note so that we don't repeat them. Learning experiences that are the most painful are also often the most valuable. Remember that your mistake was just that - it wasn't intentional, you didn't set out to deliberately cause harm or screw someone else up. And as soon as you realized that it was you who caused the problem, you stepped in, ready to help dig everyone out of the hole you put them in. You can hold your head up and feel good knowing that you did your best to help everyone recover with a minimum of pain.


  • Don't assume that your boss, parent or teacher will think the worst of you if you make a mistake. Owning up to mistakes early will earn you respect from them, it won't make them think less of you. It's practically guaranteed that they've made a mistake or two along the way.
  • You don't have to make a big deal out of some things. Small mistakes are easily handled by saying, "Oh. That was my bad. I'm sorry." Then the other party can say, "Oh. Well, that's okay. But in the future, here's how I want you to do that, all right?" If you make a big, hysterical scene, then it becomes all about calming you down and reassuring you, and that takes time away from solving the problem.
  • Accepting blame and responsibility when you have done something wrong will free you from the effects of guilt. Contrary to what you may have heard, some guilt is actually good - it tells you when you have done a bad thing, and won't leave you alone about it. That's our internal prevention system, and it keeps us all from going about doing stuff that hurts or affects others willy nilly, without a thought to the consequences. But guilt that lingers is no good. It saps your strength and ruins your relationships; if guilt lingers even after you have accepted responsibility and the consequences of your actions, seek out help from family, friends, clergy or a mental health professional.


  • Be prepared to accept negative consequences. Being mature enough to own up means being mature enough to accept punishment if the mistake is bad enough to warrant it. Still, it's better to accept punishment for a mistake that was able to be quickly corrected than it is to accept punishment for something that went so upside down that repercussions will be felt for years - your boss will not appreciate that, so confessing and handling problems before they get to that point is the far better option.
  • It may not be safe to admit mistakes to an abusive person who is anyone who yells excessively or physically attacks you. If you are with an abusive person get help from a trusted source and leave the situation immediately if possible.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Accept Blame when You Deserve It. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

After Cosmetic Surgery Dies Former Miss Argentina

After Cosmetic Surgery Dies Former Miss Argentina,Former Miss Argentina 1994, Solange Guadalupe Magnano, died after cosmetic surgery to lift her buttocks. After struggling for three painful days Solange died on Sunday November 29.

The 38-year-old Argentinean beauty queen, who works as model in Europe, underwent buttocks surgery at a medical center in Buenos Aires. After the surgery Solange started feeling respiratory problems. On Wednesday Solange was admitted in the hospital in critical respiratory deficiency where she died of pulmonary embolism.

One of the celeb world's hottest, strangest couple is back on!

Back On! Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson,Break out the barf bags, because Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood and totally back together. The big news was broken ... by Manson himself!

In a new interview about his upcoming material, if that's what you'd call it, Marilyn revealed that he and the True Blood cast member are a thing:

“Sometimes you feel awkward being what you’re best at, you feel like you have to be something new. But I think that a lot of people will agree that me being me at my absolute best [is what] I need to be. I think that that really paid off."

"I’m back with Evan, that’s kind of breaking news.”
After she took over for Dita von Teese, Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson dated and lived together for about a year before breaking up in November 2008.

She was recently linked to True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard.

Marilyn also had an interesting quote regarding his career.

Asked if his new music will be "a more honest look" at the rocker, he replied, "Yeah, I think it will be more badass. More romantic maybe. Definitely self abusive."

Whatever that means, we not sure we even want to know.

"Walks in the Spirit of Christ" Hulk Hogan Thinks Jennifer McDaniel

"Walks in the Spirit of Christ" Hulk Hogan Thinks Jennifer McDaniel,Hulk Hogan might not longer wrestle for a living, but he can't stop making headlines for major feuds.

Asked by Fox News about girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel, the former WWE star took a swipe at ex-wife Linda:

“My marriage to Linda was very toxic and very negative. Jennifer is just the opposite, she doesn’t drink or get high on drugs."

That's comforting, but it's not all. Hogan also said McDaniel hates celebrity gossip, might end up his next wife and, oh, follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.

“If you’re in my home and watching TV, you have to watch the science channel or the history channel or cartoons. She doesn’t watch anything negative like the news or TMZ. She doesn’t read the newspaper. She always walks in the Spirit of Christ, she never deviates. I can really see myself marrying this woman.”
As for his kids, Hulk is pointing them toward show business. Because that's worked out so well for the family as a whole.

“Nick is doing great, he's in L.A. and he just got his first acting job in an independent film,” He said. “Brooke is living down here; she signed with my agent and is going on auditions because we don't know if they will renew Brooke Knows Best yet.”

Heavens, why wouldn't they?!?

Absolut Hotness:Kate Beckinsale

Absolut Hotness:Kate Beckinsale, Maybe we were wrong.

In October, we questioned why Esquire would name Kate Beckinsale the Sexiest Woman Alive.

Is the actress beautiful? Of course. But we argued that Megan Fox should be permanently awarded this honor until senility set in.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Britney wants One more baby

Britney wants One more baby Strolling around Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens in Australia, Britney Spears appeared happier than she has in years. And no wonder: She had her sons, Sean Preston, 4, and Jayden James, 3, and her agent turned boyfriend, Jason Trawick, by her side.

But for Britney, 27, one thing would truly make her family complete: another baby -- with Jason. "Britney and Jason have been talking a lot lately about having kids," reveals a Spears family insider. "She's madly in love with her boys, but she'd love to have a little girl."

Jason, 37, is on the same page. "He can't wait to have kids," the insider says. "He's amazing with Britney's sons, and he's not a partyer or a player. He loves Britney and wants to start a life with her, so she doesn't have any fears about him as a daddy."

For more on Britney and Jason, pick up the new issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now!

“Paa Movie” is Releasing with 700 Prints in 20 Countries

“Paa Movie”is Releasing with 700 Prints in 20 Countries.Big B’s much awaited film “Paa” is releasing this Friday in 20 countries and with 700 prints. In the film Amitabh Bachchan is playing a character of a 13 year old boy suffering from “Progeria”. It is a disease that speeds up the ageing process.
“Paa” is being released by the AB Corp Ltd. in association with Reliance BIG Pictures. The film is going to release in India as well as in the other countries like Britain, Canada, US, UAE, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The director of the movie is R. Balakrishnan. Abhishek and Vidya Balan are playing the characters of Amitabh’s parents. The film is doing extensive marketing and promotion campaigns.

Idea Network has tied up with the film “Paa” for “Talk to Auro” activity. It will allow callers to leave messages for Auro (Amitabh’s character in the film) and in return receive calls from Auro on a pre-determined date. Idea Network is also providing the ring back tones in Auro’s voice and other value added services for promoting “Paa”.

‘Bajaj Allianz Company’ has tied up for an integrated TV ad on Child Plans that has been interspersed with the film’s promos and is currently on air. Besides this the film’s official Radio Partner is Big FM.

Kareena and Priyanka Between Cat Fight for Makeup Artist

Kareena and Priyanka Between Cat Fight for Makeup Artist. Cat fights are very common between actresses and once again it is seen between the two leading ladies of Bollywood Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra. The sexy actress Bebo and Piggy Chops are fighting for a makeup artist ‘Pompy’.

Priyanka who was alleged to be the girlfriend of Kareena’s ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor is now looking for Kareena’s makeup artist ‘Pompy’ too.

Kareena and Priyanka have earlier worked with Pompy and are very fond of his work. That is why both of them are always eager to work with Pompy.

Priyanka who has signed movie ‘Anjaana Anjaani’ with Ranbir wanted to appoint Pompy as her makeup man but at the same time he was working with Kareena in the remake of Stepmom in Sydney.

Kareena has a close bond with Pompy and she considers Pompy as family member. Kareena’s close bond with Pompy was seen when she invited him on the preview of her movie ‘Kurbaan’.

Well it’s not the first time when two actresses have been found fighting for their makeup artists, earlier Kajol and Rani Mukherji had clashed over makeup artist Mickey Contractor.

New Bikini Babes are the Deepika, Lara and Jiah

New Bikini Babes are the Deepika, Lara and Jiah Sporting bikini in a film has become a much-hyped issue in Bollywood. Reportedly, ‘Bikini-film’ usually does good business. And according to the reports one bikini babe is enough to carry a film on her mild shoulders. But now the news is that three super-hot babes will display their well-sculpted frame in Sajid Khan’s ‘Housefull’. These sexy bombshells are Lara Dutta, Deepika Padukone and Jiah Khan. Reportedly, all these three heroines will be sporting bikini onscreen. The buzz is that, Deepika’s bikini-show will be a first time!

Lara said in an interview, “Let’s just say that there is an ocean dive in ‘Housefull’. I didn’t have a choice about the bikini in ‘Blue’. I couldn’t possibly go underwater in a burqa, could I? I worked hard on my physique, and it did generate interest. For ‘Housefull’, there’s a water sequence. So the swimwear is back. It’s not like I’m getting into a bikini for the heck of it.”

A close source revealed that, Jiah Khan would also be seen in a skimpy two-piece in the comic caper. Not only that, Bollywood’s ‘Shantipriya’ Deepika Padukone will also reveal her long-limbed form in a swimsuit.

So, ‘Housefull’ will be a treat for all the young guys.

‘Teenage Sex Slave’s’ Traumatic Story Angelina Jolie Narrates

‘Teenage Sex Slave’s’ Traumatic Story Angelina Jolie Narrates has recounted the dilemma of the desperate women in third world countries. Reportedly, she has narrated a video on a teenage Cambodian sex slave. The United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and the Academy Award winner star agreed to face the hard-hitting fact in the Winfrey Show. She was completely moved by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Nicholas Kristof’s video which depicts the shameful prejudices against young women and teenagers in the third world countries.

The video, shot by Kristof, was aired on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show on Tuesday (1st December). Angelina talked about the girl, who was kidnapped from her village when she was just 13 years old and sold for the slavery. She was forced into prostitution before she had experienced her first period.

The unfortunate teen in the video revealed that, she was given electric shock twice a day for arguing too much. She was even tied–up at night so she couldn’t escape.

She has also revealed that her virginity was sold four times before she managed to escape. She was ‘stitched-up three times’.

Jolie said, “Virgins bring in hundreds of dollars for brothel owners are in high demand by men with Aids, who believe having sex with a virgin will cure their disease. Because these enslaved girls are forbidden to request condoms, they’re vulnerable to STDs (sexually-transmitted diseases), Aids and pregnancies”.

Reportedly, the girl fell pregnant twice and was forced to abort both the children- the second when she was four months gone.

Referring the story Angelina said, “She was so much pain after her second abortion she asked for a few days rest. But the madam at the brothel showed no mercy, and instead stabbed her in the eye with a metal a metal road”. She added, “As her wound became more infected, her eye began oozing blood and puss. Now, considered mutilated and worthless by the brothel, her captors mercilessly discarded her on the streets”.

Kristof appeared on the show to promote his new book “Half the Sky” which essayed the terrible descriptions about the worlds most desperate teenage girls and women. But here is one happy ending that the girl found help and was finally rescued.

Jolie explained that the girl was telling to the journalists; “there must be many girls who died in those rooms. I spent two years in a place like this”.

Adam Lambert... Again! ABC Axes

Adam Lambert... Again! ABC Axes Seriously, ABC?!?

For the second time in as many weeks, the network has pulled the plug on an Adam Lambert appearance.

First, the singer was scheduled to appear on Good Morning America the day after his controversial American Music Awards performance. In a movie that reeked of homophobia and a double standard, Lambert was axed from the show.

Instead, he performed a perfectly clean routine on Today and has gone on to admit his AMA act "went too far."

Case closed, right? Not for ABC.
Lambert's was scheduled to put on an outdoor concert on the December 17 installment of Jimmy Kimmel Live! - but an an ABC spokesperson confirmed today:

“We decided not to move forward with the booking at this time."

No reason was given for the cancelation, but the gig had been booked prior to the AMAs. Lambert will now perform on The Jay Leno Show on December 21.

By the way: woman-beating Chris Brown will still appear on 20/20 next week. That show airs on ABC.

Not Friends:Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie

Not Friends:Paris Hilton and Nicole RichieNicole Richie, who just signed a deal for her own show on ABC, once starred on The Simple Life with Paris Hilton. They had a falling out at some point during it.

They have not been friends since.

Of her new series, Nicole wrote: "The story revolves around a young, modern and professional woman who must balance her business and family relationships."

Snooze. Sure, it sounds like quality television ... but this is Nicole Richie! We want to see her paired with Paris once again! Too bad that isn't gonna happen.

"No," a friend of hers flatly said when the idea was thrown out there by E! Looks like that major bad blood between these two L.A. socialites hasn't faded.
Still, why would Nicole rule out bringing back her former BFF for a ratings-boosting cameo? Paris can make fun of herself with the best of them, right?

Not to mention the fact that without Paris Hilton, no one would know / care who Nicole Richie is. It's a little puzzling why they do anyway. But hey.

We're not trying to cause trouble, or suggesting that you care. we're just sayin'.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Moonwalk glove sold……for $350,000!!!! Michael Jackson’s

Moonwalk glove sold……for $350,000!!!! Michael Jackson’s Michael Jackson’s first ever rhinestone encrusted glove was sold at an auction in New York for a whopping $350,000!!!

The glove was the one he wore when he did the moonwalk for the first time in 1983. The glove, still marked “Made in Korea”, is one of the most famous pieces of pop history, worn by the king of pop himself at a momentous music occasion. The glove was estimated to be sold for anywhere from 40 to 60 thousand dollars. Everything owned by the king of pop that was auctioned at the “Music Icons” sale sold for way more than predicted.

J-LO featuring Pitbull New

J-LO featuring Pitbull New J-Lo!

It’s been awhile, but after having babies, focusing on her fashion line and fragrances, J-Lo has finally gone back to giving us music we love!
Picture is not a real!!! LoL

Here is the video for her new song “Fresh Out The Oven” featuring Pitbull and the video is directed by Jonas Akerlund, who has directed for Madonna, U2, Blink 182, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Moby

George and his ladies on Clooney Premieres Up in the Air, Shows Off Elisabetta Canalis

George and his ladies on Clooney Premieres Up in the Air, Shows Off Elisabetta CanalisNote to George Clooney: stop being so perfect. You're making the rest of us look bad!

The Oscar-winner stars in a new movie that opens this Friday, Up in the Air. It's receiving rave reviews and premiered in Los Angeles last night.

As if another surefire Academy Award nomination isn't enough, Clooney showed off his romantic, handsome side at the premiere, bringing girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis as one date; and his adorable, mama's boy side by bringing his mother as his other date.
Cindy Crawford also stopped by the red carpet because, hey, why shouldn't she? She's Cindy Crawford. She's welcome anywhere!

Adam, Sarah and Kate: Three of 2009's Most Fascinating.

Adam, Sarah and Kate: Three of 2009's Most Fascinating.A couple of strong women and (mostly) popular figures, Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin, lead Barbara Walters' list of the 10 Most Fascinating People of the year.

For better or worse, the reality TV mother of eight and former governor / V.P. nominee are certainly fascinating. You just can't look away from what they do.

Same is true of car wrecks on the other side of the highway, but no matter. Few get people talking like Kate and Sarah - or a certain new big name in music.

Controversial American Idol alum Adam Lambert, whose music and sexually charged performances make him a tabloid staple, is another member of the list.
Singer/rumored hermaphrodite Lady Gaga, annoying NFL star Brett Favre, Tyler Perry, and Fox News personality Glenn Beck made the top 10 of '09 as well.

Perhaps the most intriguing inclusion? Jenny Sanford, the wife of philandering South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, will also be interviewed by Barbara Walters.

The special, Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009, airs on ABC December 9. Who is your most fascinating person of 2009?

The way things are going lately, we'd think Rachel Uchitel and Jaimee Grubbs would be in a dead heat for the #1 spot, with Levi Johnston a close second.

"New Moon" By Not Eating, Ashley Greene Claims She Shaped

"New Moon" By Not Eating, Ashley Greene Claims She Shaped Ashley Greene is taking some heat for a recent comment she made in regards to getting in shape for her role in "New Moon."
When asked by Us Weekly how she got in shape for the role, she replied, "It was really easy. We were working 12 hours a day, so it didn't leave too much time to eat."

Her publicist, who was on hand with her while she attended the Magnificent Mile Festival of Lights event in Naperville, Illinois, gave her a slight nudge, but the actress didn't seem to notice her word choice.

She went on to say that when she did eat, she chose "really healthy stuff, which was nice."

The actress also went on to say that the cast trained extensively for the sequel, stating, "We had a personal trainer and then we also had fight training. It was a good four hours a day of training."

Greene, 22, returned to the "Twilight" series to play the role of Alice Cullen in "New Moon."

The DJ Station In NY (Madonna Lover Jesus Commands

The DJ Station In NY (Madonna Lover Jesus Commands.Madonna's boy toy is trying to make a name for himself. 22-year-old Jesus Luz has landed a DJ gig in a club in Lower East Side hotel.
The Brazilian model, whose name became associated with the pop diva since appearing in a December 2008 photo shoot with her for W magazine, has been landing high-profile gigs since dating Madonna.

Although it may not be fair to say that all the gigs he has been getting are the result of his association with the "Hard Candy" star.

According to New York Times, Luz enrolled at a Manhattan DJ school to land jobs. His second professional DJ gig earned him $15,000 for a 90-minute set.

But still, dating one of the world's most famous stars has its perks. From earning $500 a day as a model in Rio de Janeiro, he emerges today as a sought after DJ after Madonna attended his first significant gig in New York last month.

Second Ex-Husband Gets Married Again (Jenifer Lopez)

Second Ex-Husband Gets Married Again (Jenifer Lopez). Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband has married again. Chris Judd, the non-suing former husband of the music star, said I Do to Kelly A. Wolfe, his girlfriend of 9 months and fiancée of less than a month.
Judd and Wolfe tied the knot in a small ceremony in Laguna Beach, California, reported.

He said that the event was "completely and utterly perfect."

The actor/choreographer is known for being the "Louboutins" star's second husband. He met Lopez while filming the music video of her single "Love Don't Cost a Thing." They were married from September 2001 until June 2002, but their divorce became official in January 2003.

Meanwhile, another Lopez ex-husband, Ojani Noa, is reportedly planning a $100 million countersuit against her after she sued him for breach of contract and invasion of privacy, preventing him from releasing his planned film about her.

Britney Spears Doesn't Aim to Marriage Purpose to boyfriend

Britney Spears Doesn't Aim to Marriage Purpose to boyfriend. Britney Spears' boyfriend has not left the pop star after declining her marriage proposal. Contrary to reports, the "Circus" star and agent-boyfriend Jason Trawick did not talk marriage during her Australian tour.

According to reports, Trawick stormed out from accompanying the 28-year-old singer in her Australian tour after declining her marriage proposal.

But a source told People magazine that the story is "100 percent absolutely false," adding there was no proposal and they were never engaged.

The insider explained that Trawick headed back to Los Angeles instead of spending the holidays with Spears because he already spent more time down under than originally planned.

Spears has just wrapped up her "The Circus Starring Britney Spears" tour in Australia, with the last tent show held on November 29 in Adelaide.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Engaged! For Real! Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton:

Engaged! For Real! Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton:
Chelsea Clinton fans can finally celebrate for real.

Months after rumors spread - and were subsequently shot down - that the former First Daughter was engaged to Marc Mezvinsky, Clinton has emailed family and friends with confirmation that she and her longtime boyfriend have agreed to marry.

ABC News obtained a copy of the following email, written by Chelsea and Marc to loved ones on Friday:

"We're sorry for the mass email but we wanted to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving! We also wanted to share that we are engaged! We didn't get married this past summer despite the stories to the contrary, but we are looking toward next summer and hope you all will be there to celebrate with us."
Mezvinsky and Clinton have known each other for years, ever since his parents (former U.S. congressional representatives Ed Mezvinsky and Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky) befriended former President Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

We encourage readers to leave a comment with their suggested couple nickname for Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton. We'll start: Clinsky!

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