George and his ladies on Clooney Premieres Up in the Air, Shows Off Elisabetta Canalis
George and his ladies on Clooney Premieres Up in the Air, Shows Off Elisabetta CanalisNote to George Clooney: stop being so perfect. You're making the rest of us look bad!
The Oscar-winner stars in a new movie that opens this Friday, Up in the Air. It's receiving rave reviews and premiered in Los Angeles last night.
As if another surefire Academy Award nomination isn't enough, Clooney showed off his romantic, handsome side at the premiere, bringing girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis as one date; and his adorable, mama's boy side by bringing his mother as his other date.
Cindy Crawford also stopped by the red carpet because, hey, why shouldn't she? She's Cindy Crawford. She's welcome anywhere!
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