Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to increase Ram speed

Increase The Amount of Virtual Memory Used by XP
Labels: Computer Tricks
Virtual memory is a small portion of hard drive space converted to RAM. This is

useful for computers which use more physical RAM than is available. Windows XP

allow the user to change the amount of virual memory used. By default, the system

determines the amount automatically. It is possible to change this to a set

amount. It can be a good idea to do this for better performance. Here are the

instructions setp by step, along with suggested settings:

? Click 'Start'

? Click 'My Computer'

?Click 'View System Information' under 'System Tasks' (If you can not see this

option then click 'System Tasks' to collapse the menu). This will open the System

Properies window. Alternatively, you can go to Control Panel and open 'System'.

? Click the 'Advanced' tab

? Click the 'Settings' button under 'Performance'. This opens the Performance

Options window.

? Click the 'Advanced' tab.

? Click the 'Change' button under 'Virtual Memory'

? Under 'Paging file size for selected drive' select the 'Custom size:' option.

? In the box next to where it says 'Intial size (MB)' the best number to enter is

2X the amount of physical memory currently in your system. For example, if you

have 512 MB of RAM you would enter 1024 in this box.

? In the box next to where it says 'Maximum size (MB)' enter the same number

? Click 'OK'

? Click 'Apply' on the previous window

? Click 'OK'

? Click 'OK' on the previous window


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