Adam Lambert on AMA Performance: I Got Carried Away
Adam Lambert on AMA Performance: I Got Carried Away
He's sticking to his belief that there's a double standard for provocative men versus provocative women - but he's also acknowledging that he went too far Sunday night at the American Music Awards.
"I admit, I did get carried away, but I don't see anything wrong with it," he said on The Early Show today. "I do see how people got offended and that was not my intention. My intention was just to interpret the lyrics to my song and have a good time up there."
Lambert added that he "can understand" why parents are upset. But "[children] didn't cross my mind," he said. "It was almost 11 o'clock. It was a nighttime show. I was there in the audience full of mostly adults."
It was also a network show, something Adam should have considered before he grinded his crotch into a dancer's face.
But he says he was overwhelmed by a feeling of just wanting to "let loose." He's also well aware that his music and his antics aren't for everyone, adding:
"Like Idol, I have the tendency to divide people. You either like it or you don't."
You gotta admit: it's refreshing to hear an artist not cater to the common denominator; or change who he is because some people might be uncomfortable.
While acknowledging the criticism that's come his way, Lambert also repeated his belief that if "a female pop performer [did] the moves... there would have been nearly as much of an outrage."
In fact, Janet Jackson grabbed a male dancer's crotch earlier in the night! Where is the controversy over that?!?
"I didn't hear one peep about that," he said, stating why he thinks people have responded so negatively toward him: "I am a gay male."
Has your opinion on the performance changed? What did you think of it?
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