During AMA Performance Adam Lambert Kisses Keyboardist Tommy Ratlif
During AMA Performance Adam Lambert Kisses Keyboardist Tommy Ratlif
Sunday night during his American Music Award Function. Reportedly, Tommy tweeted before taking the stage at the Nokia Theatre in LA. “Tonight’s going to be INSANE!!!”
In the racy performance of “For Your Entertainment,” Adam simulated fellatio with a male dancer
and have a deep-tongue kiss with Tommy. According to a source, the keyboardist Tommy is still pumped about the onstage theatrics.
Tommy has twitted, “Thanks SOO much to everyone that watched. Rock n Roll is a prostitute…it should be tartted up”. Reportedly, after the incident Tommy’s phone has started blowing up.
Tommy added, “My phones dyin! Thanks so much everyones you guys are amazing! Ill ‘tweet’ when I get to ny, werre gettin of the plane”.
According to a source, “Adam Lambert is scheduled to perform on “The Late Show with David Letterman” on Monday night.
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