Wednesday, November 25, 2009

American Idol Finalists (Mostly) Support Adam Lambert

American Idol Finalists (Mostly) Support Adam Lambert
In light of his controversial American Music Awards performance, and subsequent ban from Good Morning America, Adam Lambert is receiving support from past American Idol contestants.

With one major exception.

We'll get to that shortly, but first a look at what those in Lambert's corner have to say...

Kevin Covais: "I honestly had no problem with Adam's AMA performance. After watching him take risks on Idol, it was about what I expected. Despite being a bit risque, I don't feel like it pushed the envelope that much further from what we normally see these days, especially on primetime television. I see no reason why he should be punished by ABC."

Jim Verraros: "[Gays] need this, and we need him. We need to have him out there - he's a gay pop singer from America. But I am torn - I don't know if I would have done that kind of performance for my first nationally televised show. I think had he done it at a more intimate club environment, it would have gone over a lot better."

Diana DeGarmo: "It should help out his career... with all of the buzz around the performance, his sales shouldn't suffer whatsoever."
Season three contestant Jon Peter Lewis takes a harsh view of Lambert, however. He told Us Weekly:

"All this nonsense about Adam Lambert's whole project being art is bogus. That idea is absurd. It's like calling Thomas Kinkade art. What a sham."

Hmmm... Kinkade is a painter. Media Arts, a publicly-traded company that licenses and sells his products, reports that 1 in 20 homes in the U.S. features some form of the man's art.

So it's unclear what point Lewis is making. If he, or any Lambert critic, is suggesting that Adam's performance might turn some people off, no one (including Lambert himself) would disagree.

But is a singer's job to satisfy the masses? Or to remain true to himself? Sounds like a debate for THG readers! Have at it in our comments section!


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