Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: NYC-ing Each Other a Lot!

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: NYC-ing Each Other a Lot!
New York is nicknamed the "city that never sleeps."

This weekend, however, it was the setting for a couple that often sleeps... together!

Witty segues aside, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart celebrated the incredible opening of New Moon by living it up for a few days in the Big Apple.

On Thursday evening, the couple hung out at the Soho House and "had a good time," a helpful witness told People. From there, Robsten was spotted making out (!!!!) at Avenue, where they also shared a table with Joan Jett.
The following night, Rob and Kristen totally broke curfew: They stayed out until 3 a.m. at the Upper West Side's Dive Bar.

Finally, on the Lord's Day, the pair dined at Megu in Tribeca. A creepy insider relayed each star's actual meal, as Pattinson dined on Kobe beef skewers and asparagus, while Stewart enjoyed a sashimi platter and the king crab.

"They were with two friends and looked very cozy," said the source. "Both were having a great time."

Yeeeaaahhh they were!


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