Jamie McCourt Boyfriend Jeff Fuller Accused of Lying
L.A. Dodgers owner Frank McCourt's divorce from wife Jamie McCourt just got even weirder after the ex-wife of the ex-Dodgers employee who is now dating Frank's estranged wife - the recently-deposted CEO of the team - says he's full of it.
Okay, that made no sense. Let's try this. Frank fired Jamie and they are divorcing. Jamie had an affair with Jeff Fuller, who was also recently fired by the team.
Jeff's wife is accusing Jeff of really shady stuff. Okay, we clear?
Here's the deal, as we understand it. Jeff Fuller, who was fired by the Dodgers last month as either the Director of Protocol or a driver, was accused in 1995 by his then-wife of brutalizing her when she was seven months pregnant.
He was accused of pushing her into a wall and knocking her down. The wife, who now goes by Michele DesMarteau, got a restraining order against Jeff.
Jamie's rep then released a letter Michele to Jeff, which said that Michele believed legal documents had been altered and that Jeff was never violent.
Jamie and Frank McCourt in happier times.
Now Michele says she never wrote the letter Jeff's rep forwarded to celeb gossip site TMZ. She says Jeff asked her to make the "false statement" but she refused.
She says he wrote the letter knowing the incident really did occur.
Jeff Fuller says Michele "approved" the letter. He did not say if she wrote the letter or if he wrote it. Interesting. Michele also says Jeff lies about other things.
She says he's not a Pillsbury heir and in fact is always near broke.
After hooking up with Jamie McCourt, Michele says Jeff called and said he was moving to Malibu. She says she was shocked he could live in Malibu because he didn't pay child support. His response, she says: "I have a really good deal."
Jeff's rep insists Michele did indeed recant her story.
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